Alex Farlander
Award-winning experience designer & expedition guide
Chief Experience Officer / Senior Experience Designer

Open for part-time & consultancy
Hi, I'm Alex. I'm an experience designer & expedition guide, based in Mexico.
I create physical and digital experiences for businesses & human development.
Experiences are much wider than travelling.
I create experiences for customers, but also employees, and partners.
The biggest project I participated in was a digital transformation program of a bank with 20K employees.
I worked with startups, IT, finance, education, and other companies.
I started my career as an adventure guide, leading travelers in the mountains of Siberia.
After 20 years in the industry, I worked in 45 countries worldwide.
Primarily, I'm looking for large-impact challenges, such as self-guided tours or AI travel assistants, merging tech and real life to create a new generation of guest experiences.
I'm also available as a part-time consultant if you want to experientialize your business.
Work experience
2003-2015: Adventure guide & Russian Expeditions, Founder

During the first years of my career, I have worked as an adventure guide in remote destinations, starting from the Altai mountains in Siberia, and steadily expanding to other destinations.

Throughout my career, I worked as a travel organizer in 45 countries worldwide, from Argentina to Zimbabwe
2015-2022: IT startups & community leader
TalTech MBA

From 2015, I participated in numerous startup programs and challenges, learning about innovations in travel and other sectors, project & product management.

I organized communities & conferences, learned about advanced education methods, worked on digital marketing and UX, and helped entrepreneurs to build strong business models.
From 2022: Experience designer

Using my knowledge in guiding and IT, I create experiences, that combine the best of both digital and physical worlds.

I teach travel entrepreneurs about regenerative experiences and business models at Travelhood and look for partners to create regenerative experiences in their destinations.
Culture & Tourism Management,
Altai Academy of Culture & Arts
My Academy called this course
"Sociocultural activity and tourism management",
but they better call it "Master of Experiences".

For 5 years I've been studying everything from the history of arts to organizing extreme expeditions
PhD course on Economy of Tourism
Pskov University
For two years in Pskov University, I studied in a post-graduate program "Political, Economical, Societal and Recreational Geography", where I focused on the Economy of Tourism to understand the tourism impact on a large scale.
TalTech MBA
To see how we can combine the power of the digital and physical worlds, I entered Tallinn University of Technology, the big heart of the Estonian startup ecosystem

During two years there, I dedicated myself to learning about travel technology, IT company management, startups & innovative business models.
Professional skills
    • Travel management: logistics, procurements, supply, hiring, guiding, etc
    • Experience management: business models, customer journey management
    • Community management: engagement, community sales, tech tools
    • Marketing: PPC, search ads, lifestyle ads, PR, graphic design
    • Product management: custdev, lean, BMC, prototyping, analytics
    • Project management: agile, scrum, kanban
    • Business administration: team management, business processes, finance, etc
    • Software development: prototyping, no-code, UI/UX, web apps development
Alex was born on Aug 13, 1986 in Siberia. Since childhood, I lived close to nature, that's why I started working as an adventure guide.

Because I used to live in remote areas, I had to learn everything about working remotely, marketing & selling through the Internet, and being an entrepreneur, since I was 16 - that was 20+ years ago.

A big part of my previous work was leading an adventure & expedition travel sector in the Russian-speaking market (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and former USSR).

Now I work with experiences as a product, helping a variety of businesses in different sectors to experientialize their offerings. I work in the community for travel experience designers and look for new challenges.